ICIP 2006 will feature the following tutorials. To register for a
tutorial, please click here.
Morning Session, October 8, 2006:
Schedule: |
09:00-10:30 | Part 1 |
10:30-10:50 | Break |
10:50-12:20 | Part 2 |
- Security of Digital Multimedia Content: Solutions With
Encryption And Watermarking (Abstract)
Presenter: Ahmet
M. Eskicioglu, Brooklyn College of the City University of New
Image Processing Techniques in Computer-Aided Detection and
Diagnosis (Abstract)
Presenter: Metin N. Gurcan, Ohio State University
- Real-Time Image and Video Processing: From Research to Reality
Presenters: Nasser Kehtarnavaz and Mark Gamadia, University
of Texas at Dallas
Afternoon Session, October 8, 2006:
Schedule: |
14:00-15:30 | Part 1 |
15:30-15:50 | Break |
15:50-17:20 | Part 2 |
- Digital Color Management: Encoding Solutions
Presenter: Thomas E. Madden, Eastman Kodak
- Scalable Video Coding - Standardization and Beyond
Presenters: Thomas Wiegand, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany, and
Jens-Rainer Ohm, Aachen University, Germany
- Biometrics for Surveillance (Abstract)
Presenters: S. Kevin Zhou, Siemens Corporate Research, and
Rama Chellappa, University of Maryland
- Compressive Sampling: A New Framework for Imaging
Presenters: Richard Baraniuk, Rice University,
Robert Nowak,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, and
Justin Romberg, Caltech
Security of Digital Multimedia Content: Solutions With
Encryption And Watermarking: In recent years, advances in digital
technologies have created significant changes in the way we reproduce,
distribute and market intellectual property (IP). Digital media can now be
exploited by the IP owners to develop new and innovative business models for
their products and services. The lowered cost of reproduction, storage and
distribution, however, also invites much motivation for large-scale
commercial infringement. In a world where piracy is a growing potential
threat, the rights of the IP owners can be protected using three
complementary weapons: Technology, legislation, and business models. Because
of the diversity of IP (ranging from ebooks to songs and movies), no single
solution is applicable to the protection of multimedia products in
distribution networks.
End-to-end security is the most critical requirement for the creation of new
digital markets where copyrighted multimedia content is a key product. Three
major industries have a vital interest in this problem: The motion picture
industry, the consumer electronics (CE) industry, and the information
technology (IT) industry. This tutorial is an overview of the work done for
protecting the content owners' investment in intellectual property. After an
introduction to copyright and copyright industries, we examine how the
technological, legal, and business solutions help maintain the incentive to
supply the lifeblood of the markets.
Image Processing Techniques in Computer-Aided Detection and
Diagnosis: Computer-aided Detection/Diagnosis (CAD) is truly an
interdisciplinary research area. Development of a CAD system
requires coordinated efforts of medical professionals, algorithmic
and software engineers, and statisticians. Image processing
techniques are frequently used in every aspect of the development
from initial pre-processing techniques for noise reduction to
segmentation of lesions and to registration of tumors. In this
tutorial, some exciting CAD problems will be introduced and several
commonly used image processing techniques will be reviewed within
the context of medical image analysis for CAD. The tutorial will be
taught from the perspective of a researcher with an image processing
background, who carried out research in this field for over 10 years
both in academia and industry.
Outline of the Tutorial:
- Definition of computer-aided detection,
diagnosis (CAD)
- Brief history of CAD research
- Examples of CAD systems in radiology
- Detection of masses and
microcalcifications from mammograms
- Detection of solid pulmonary nodules
from computed tomography images
- Detection of adenatomous polyps from
virtual colonoscopy studies
- Image processing applications in CAD
- Pre-processing techniques
- Enhancement of lesions
- Segmentation of lesions
- Registration of lesions
- Multi-resolution image processing
techniques in CAD
- Future directions
Real-Time Image and Video Processing: From Research to Reality:
This tutorial will discuss the process of transitioning an algorithm
from a research development environment to a real-time constrained,
hardware platform. In such a process, one has to deal with
processing time constraints and also constraints placed on available
processing capability, memory, system size, and power consumption.
While the goal of transitioning to a real-time implementation is a
practical one, the challenges involved often discourage researchers
from pursuing algorithms to completion, leaving them to someone else
to examine performance tradeoffs, and to implement practical,
real-time versions. It is the aim of this tutorial to provide
guidelines so that the burden of transitioning an image or video
processing algorithm to its real-time implementation is eased. The
audience will be introduced to a wide variety of commonly used tools
and strategies, which they can then use in the transition process.
Key examples from the literature will be presented to illustrate the
application of these strategies in actual systems. The topics of the
course parallel those in the new book authored by the presenters
entitled Real-Time Image and Video Processing: From Research to
- Digital Color Management: Encoding Solutions:
The principal objectives of color management are to represent,
control, and communicate color within and among color-imaging
systems. Over the years, numerous color-management methods have been
developed in an attempt to meet these objectives. Many have claimed
to do so by providing "device-independent" color. In practice,
however, none of these attempts has proven completely successful.
This course will set forth the basic principles required to
understand the successful management of color in imaging systems. A
universal color-management paradigm will be described which,
together with its unique appearance-based color encoding, offers a
comprehensive solution to the difficult problem of managing color in
todays complex electronic and hybrid color-imaging systems.
Course Benefits:
- Understand the fundamental colorimetric principles underlying
electronic, traditional, and hybrid color-imaging systems.
- Ascertain why images from various types of media differ fundamentally in
their basic color properties, and the impact these differences have on
digital color management.
- List and compare the capabilities and limitations in the technologies
used in various types of color-managed systems.
- Describe the properties of a universal color-management paradigm.
- Recognize how the relationship between colorimetry and color appearance
can be handled in color-managed systems.
- Differentiate the universal paradigms appearance-based representation
from other color-encoding methods.
- Explain how the universal paradigm can be translated to practical
- Scalable Video Coding - Standardization and Beyond:
The interrelationship and adaptation between transmission/storage
and compression technology is one of the most challenging aspects of
digital video systems. It is an old dream that an efficient scalable
representation of video may provide flexible multi-dimensional
resolution adaptation, to support various network and terminal
capabilities and also give better error robustness. Currently, a new
scalable standard is developed jointly by the Joint Video Team (JVT)
of ISO MPEG and ITU-T VCEG as an extension of the successful
H.264/MPEG4-AVC project. Unlike previous solutions, it provides a
high degree of flexibility in terms of scalability dimensions
(supporting various temporal/spatial resolutions, SNR/fidelity
levels and global/local ROI access), while the penalty in
compression performance as compared to single-layer coding is
acceptable. One key factor which has made this possible is the usage
of structures modifying the traditional long-recursion loops in
motion-compensated video coding. Examples for this are temporal
hierarchies of frames and structures with only partial prediction
from enhancement layers. When properly combined with Lagrangian
optimization techniques and methods for inter-layer prediction
(within same and across resolutions) and entropy coding, excellent
compression is achievable.
The purpose of this tutorial is to give a profound insight into this
emerging new technology trends. It will give an update on the
present status of standardization, and analyze the gains that can be
achieved by this new scalable video coding technology theoretically
and practically.
- Biometrics for Surveillance:
Of the many biometric approaches available for surveillance applications,
face and gait biometrics are natural due to their noninvasiveness, i. e.
acquisition of face image and gait sequence in principle requires no
cooperation of the participants. Although face recognition has been actively
studied over the past decade, the state-of-the-art face recognition systems
yield satisfactory performance under controlled conditions and degrade
significantly when confronted with illumination and pose variations, aging,
expressions, disguises, etc. Gait-based human recognition, as an emerging
biometric, generalizes inadequately across surface type, camera viewing
angle, load carrying conditions and even shoe type!
The goal of this tutorial is to provide a comprehensive review of face and
gait based human recognition algorithms with applications in surveillance.
Specifically, we will discuss methods for face recognition using video
sequences, illumination-invariant still face recognition methods, and face
recognition across aging, gait-based human identification using
fronto-paralllel and arbitrary views.
The tutorial is accessible to a wide audience since only basic level of
linear algebra, probability, statistics, and image processing is assumed.
Graduate students and researchers new to the field can use the tutorial to
quickly comprehend the state-of-the-art of unconstrained face and gait
recognition. Also the tutorial could serve as a starting point for them to
embark on their research on face and gait recognition.
Designers of surveillance systems can readily extract useful engineering
principles that will come in handy in their work.
- Compressive Sampling: A New Framework for Imaging:
Imaging sensors, hardware, and algorithms are under increasing
pressure to accommodate ever larger and higher-dimensional data
sets; ever faster capture, sampling, and processing rates; ever
lower power consumption; communication over ever more difficult
channels; and radically new sensing modalities. Fortunately, over
the past few decades, there has been an enormous increase in
computational power and data storage capacity, which provides a new
angle to tackle these challenges. In this tutorial, we will
introduce the theoretical background, new algorithms, and practical
applications of "Compressive Sampling" (CS), whose motto is: "Sample
smarter, not faster". A series of theoretical and practical results
developed over the past two years suggests that the number of
measurements (e.g., samples) required to capture a signal, image, or
video sequence depends more on its intrinsic information content
(its compressibility) than the desired resolution. CS is based on
novel measurement techniques (including random projections) and
exploits modern optimization algorithms for image extraction and
processing. The theory of CS, while still in its developing stages,
is far-reaching and draws on subjects as varied as sampling theory,
convex optimization, source and channel coding, statistical
estimation, uncertainty principles, and high-dimensional geometry.
The applications of CS range from the familiar (imaging in medicine
and radar, high-speed analog-to-digital conversion, and
super-resolution) to truly novel image acquisition and encoding
For further information, please contact
Dr. Stan Reeves.